Persian Electric

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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

I guess I'll wait until the new map is available to continue with my trip into insanity.
After playing the other attempt until 1926 I saw a lot of ways to improve my strategy, so I started again - this time on Expert as before I started on the default setting. What is that - medium?
I think I'm only 2 or 3 tears into this new attempt so I won't be loosing much by waiting and starting again. Besides, I just got a little web site updating work to do from one of my customers, and that's money in the pocket, something my wife and I are in desperate need of right now.
Plus AndyBis just sent another translated map for the archives that I need to add.

Sure wish there was more rubber on the map. :mrgreen:
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

I was going to wait to post til after I finished playing the map, but I suppose I'll post now. As I see Hawk already brought up the Bandar-e Busehr nuke plant being built off the map over in Saudi Arabia. Some things I may comment on may intentionally have been made that way, but I'll post them as things I observed anyway. If I repeat something that was already mentioned here or in another thread sorry :) I also realize this is in the strategy section and not the scenario creation section, but being that Hawk brought up the nuke plant being in the wrong place, I figured I'll post in here as well.

1. The warehouse by Orumiyeh has a production that requires passengers to be produced into passengers. Maybe that was to create a demand for passengers?

2. There is a similar instance bank production turning gold into gold. I guess maybe its to create demand? I don't know how much it demands and how much it produces but maybe it creates a little more gold as "interest"? All it says is 0 gold = 0 gold so I don't know the decimal amounts supplied and produced.

3. Rice Patties: Maybe it was intentional that a rice pattie has no visible "building." But when I first started playing the game I wondered why there were just fields, but no building which I knew to click on. It was only 10 years later when I was building in Turkmenistan that I noticed I was getting supplies of rice, and noticed they were actually rice patties and not just an empty field. Having a building show up would be useful to know how to build your railroad around it, and to know when the field is actually in a station's range. And when you are trying to click to see what the production/demand is, it's a lot of random clicking until you hit the right spot on the field.

4. Some typos that I noticed so far:
- 2002 newspaper - Iran has access to Turkmenistan. - It says "Iranian railroad now HOW access to TO the North" <-- The How should be Have, and there should only be one to.
- Newpaper to Iraq - Once again it says "how access" when it should say "have access"

5. Since not connecting Orumiyeh by 2015 results in losing the map, I would recommend there be some reminders about this requirement. Since there are 15+ years to build there, it's a long time for someone to forget, especially if they take a break in between those years. Having not made my own map I am unsure of how the alerts/messages work, but maybe have something after 5 years, something after 10 years, and then yearly until its connected or you lose the map in 2015. Maybe that's too many reminders, but I'd definitely think something more than just the initial message saying you have to connect it would be nice.

6. As I read in the forum earlier there was a problem with the gold cars spacing. There is a similar problem with the isotopes cars.

7. I saw in the editor it looked like you were going to have a slightly different briefing for those that played on expert so you could get the award of Trainmaster vs when you played it on hard/medium/easy. Here is a picture of the briefing hard/medium/easy gets when you click on briefing in the ledger:

And in the editor it appeared as if you had a similar briefing, but it would say Trainmaster at the top instead of stationmaster. But instead on expert when you hit briefing you get the long story line of what you must do:
Once again nothing big, either way you can find out what to do, but for consistency it would probably be best to have it look one way or the other.

Guess I'll get back to the scenario and see if I notice anything else. My nuke plant decided after a few years to no longer be profitable so it's back to trying to find my next industry to invest in. So far it seems like a nice map, other than having to haul goods all the way across the map to get something else built! !hairpull!
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

One more thing to add. I can't say I've had any real problem with train wrecks. I think I've got 8-9 trains and am 13 or so years into the map. I've had a few breakdowns, oddly often on my newest engines when they were just a year or two old, but so far I haven't had any crashes. And I'm using the initial diesel engine available. (I set most of my hauls at 5 cars and a caboose.) If I come close to Hawk's train crash every 6 months I'll post about it.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

Of course I find out now that I have uploaded the map in a 500 mb file. :)

Thanks for the feed back...

The warehouse is intentionally set to exchange passengers...this represents the passengers going to and from Turkey of Pakistan.

Banks actually exchange gold at a profit.

Rice Paddies should have a building...odd that it doesn't, make sure you are looking in the right place.

I'll look at the typos and briefing text. I'm still going to make the extras pak for the map so I will put them together with those fixed.

It is inetional that you don't get reminded of your connections. It's part of the challenge of the scenario.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

It may be that the reason I get so many train crashes is because I don't use a caboose and I set the max number of cars to 8. No need running a half length train when the modern engines can handle a full train. :mrgreen:

I'll let Ned jump in on the rest of the stuff.

BTW! (*!!wel aboard Blackhawk. Good to have another active member, especially one willing to help beta test Trainmaster. :salute:
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

In TM you don't necessarily need to run full trains except maybe at the beginning as much as directed trains. Full trains will cargo going to the wrong place may give you a few coins on delivery but will harm your industries and cost you in the end.

Remember, just like Osama Bin Laden, there are municipal buildings and limited industries just waiting to take your cargo. :)
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

Thanks for the welcome Hawk, I've been a luker here for awhile and used to check in on the progress of Rail Mogul.

Thanks for clarifying some of those things Ned. As for the rice patties, maybe one of the files for me just didn't transfer properly if no one else is having a problem with them. I went to the editor and tried placing some rice patties and still no building.

Nice words of wisdom Ned, I noticed some of my chemicals going in the wrong direction recently and noticed even 5 cars was too much for that train and had to put it down to a 2 car return from that city. In some respects I like that TM brings back some of the micromanaging that RT2 had.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

Try installing the beta and see if that doesn't fix the rice paddie building. I'm totally baffled.

The micromanaging in RT2 was one of the things I like most about that game, which is why I tried to make it so important here. Glad you like that.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

Couple of things I forgot to mention....

I notice that on some years my uranium mines made good money but the nuke plant didn't, on other years it was the opposite...I think it is related to prices.

Also, the message about the connection to Orumiyeh comes after you haul a load of textiles (GhraArea HrRugs)

There are two electrcic plants on the map that can be very productive and indirectly profitable if you do things right. The key is buying industry at the right time, which is usually just before you supply it, but others should be picked up sooner because cargo is going to them by itself.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

I noticed the same thing with the uranium mines and nuke plants. To me it seems that if the nuke plants don't get their 5 required uranium loads in a given year they will lose profit. Never paid too much attention to the uranium mines. Nuke plant profits do go up and down though, from what I've seen.

I never saw any benefit of buying the electrical plants, except to lose money. ^**lylgh
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

The electric plants can actually make decent money in TM. They just need to be regularly supplied.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong - ignoring them. *!*!*! ^**lylgh
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

Here's an example of what the spur method for maintenance facilities looks like. Setting up this way will help you increase your average speeds.

When routing your train, start by clicking on your first station. In this case Qom.

Set the cargo to 0 and make it for all stations.

Add the maintenance facility to the route.

Add Qom again. Remove the the all stations toggle. (this prevents your train from having cargo on its trip to maintenance)

Select your next station, then back to your first, then your next station. Set your consists.

Now your train will start empty, go to the maintenance facility, then back to the first station. It'll do two runs then go for maintenance. Uusuallly I start the train at its first loading station.

This will mean that your trains are never stopping for maintenance when they have cargo.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

I do a lot of mine like this,
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or maybe off at a slight angle, if I have to carry track on straight, but I set the consists up like you do.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

Well I finished the scenario on hard. After having the initial infrastructure up it wasn't that bad. My biggest concern was getting enough troops, but that turned out to be just a matter of waiting for the years to go by til enough were transported. Although building a missile was difficult.

A few things I ran into again:
1. I had a train apparently get stuck on a track and just kept repeating the same couple segments of track before jumping back and repeating those segments. I only noticed this when I saw I had a train that was out of oil and sand so it had been doing it for a few years. Probably a RT3 glitch rather than something from TM, but I'll mention it anyways.

2. When I connected all the cities, the last page of my ledger went blank, so I was no longer able to see how many troops I had left to transport.

3. Maybe I was doing something wrong, but it was incredibly difficult to make missiles. I built my own plant which lost several million (or so it said for the cost of materials) and it didn't produce anything. Yet other years it wouldn't lose much money. It seemed like I had to build 2 missile plants in the same city in order to get enough missiles to ship in a railroad car.

My nuke plant made money again, I'm not entirely sure why it made money, had a deficit and then made money again. It seemed to vary at times as there were a few years it was fully supplied and it still cost me money.

As for speed, I really didn't focus much on the speed bonuses so I didn't bother doing the spur maintenance yards. Since I read that the stock splits quicky and often I ended up buying up all the stock early on so I was the sole owner after the first year and then years later when I was making a few million a year, I set a large dividend to get me over 10 million personal cash.

Being that I played on hard rather than on expert I'm not entirely sure how useful this will be but I'll give a general outline of how I went:
-I built from Tehran to Firuz to Oom and bought the meat plant there. (I also heavily bought back the stock early in the first year and sacraficed initial expansion for complete control over the company). Then connected the ranch from the NW of oom as well. When I was making enough of a profit I expanded east to Gamsar with the textile plant, and made sure I'd have enough money to buy it in a short amount of time. Eventually I upgraded the textile mill there.
-From here I kept building East thru Damghan to the mountains for the Bauxite to supply the allumium mill.
- After I got the requirement to ship Persian Rugs, I still spent the next 8-10 years building East, and up in Turkmenistan.
- I eventually built from Damghan to Emasharah, but early on I connected the farm southeast of Emasharah to give my textile plant more supplies. Emasharah was useful to make electronics (Until later when It was easier to just ship them in from Mashhad as I used my limited allumium and rubber elsewhere)
- Before rushing for the mountains to sell my Persian rugs I built a lumber mill up in Turkmenistan and sent the lumber to Ashkabad and then connected the farm a little northwest of it. I then connected the oil well to Kizyl, which soon turned into connecting all the rice patties southwest of Kizyl after I realized these were rice patties. Around this time I also connected Kizyl to Ashkabad so I could send the chemicals there for the explosives plant. Having noticed chemicals were already there, and there was a distillery well stocked with corn and fruit, just no plastic/glass, I decided it would be a nice place to also build a plastics factory. Eventually I upgraded and bought up the explosives factory, distillery, and plastics factory.
- Also important was to build your own nuke plant in the mountains by the uranium. Mine was between 2 mines northeast of Bafq. (eventually upgrade it so it makes around 1,000 gigawatts a year)
- At this point I was making a nice yearly profit and decided with 5-8 years left i should tackle the western mountains. I started with Tabriz and connected the farm south of there. I then worked Southeast city by city towards Tehran. Then finally connected Oriumyeh. I was tempted to connect to the port Rasht for the rubber at the port, however, I figured enough of the supplies were brought to my stations by the Tycoonians so I decided not to build over the mountain.
- From here I was making a good profit each year and refined the way I was doing some things. I linked up my Turkmenistan track with my Iranian track in Gorgan, bought industries as I went on, Again used my northern Turkmenistan track to connect to Mashhad. (I'd later connect my early track when I connected to the mountains for bauxite to Mashhad as well, but the northern connection was useful for getting to the ammunitions plant in the SE part of the map, far south of Mashhad.
- at this point I did what I needed to do to get the proper goods in certain places to build the ammo, weapons, and missiles. (I built to the steel mill which was northwest of my nuke plant and southeast Oom since I already had a partial rail line in the area being used to transport the lucrative isotopes. So I connected the towns on the way from Oom to the steel plant and the coal mines from the east (eventually one of the mines disappeared on me but by then I already had made the weapons otherwise it might have been costly). I took the steel then to the city West of Tehran for the weapons factory there. Other random tidbits: For extra allumium I built a reclamation facitity in Damghan so any Bauxite that was salvaged from the reclamation of waste would be immediatedly fed to the allumium mill. Finally I connected to Chah Bahar and put it on fast speed and just waited for my 500 troops to be sent. Once all my 500 troops were sent, I connected to the final city and the game ended.
Last edited by Blackhawk on Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

I forgot to add I used diesels the entire time since I was not concerned with my speed.

I also just updated to the beta version of TM, and I still can't see the building for the rice fields. But if everyone else sees them then it must be something on my side.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

Now let this be a lesson to all you scenario writers out there....just because you played a map right through and then made a few changes to the scenario, doesn't mean you didn't screw stuff up while doing it. :)

I haven't seen the problem you've mentioned about the train getting stuck, but after reading some things others have experience in RT3, it may be a glitch in RT3.

I think I initially set it up to change leddgers at some point, and forgot that I changed my mind. (probably lost parts of it along the way too.)

The missile plant was tested, and under the right conditions it was working well....I think I may have made a change that messed it all up....I'm going to work on that and fix it, I am upping all the outputs.

Again, and I think this might have an effect on the missile plant, but the Nuke plant and electric plant are definitely affected by the prices of their supplies.

I like that you bought back all the stock in the first year...I was tempted to do it, but wanted to play a different way. Glad to see that the average speed issue can be overcome this way.

I took a different direction than you and stayed out of Turmenistan completely. My intial connections were similar to yours, but I then proceeded south of Qom to get all the goodies there. Like you I put a nuke near the mines, but I also used that for the basis for my expansion for connections since I was in the desert where the ground was flat.

I also went for the port at Raht in a previous game, and surprisingly, there is a nice flat route through the mountains to it....just takes a while to lay your track but you can keep all the grade at 3 or less, and almost all at 2 or less.

Steel mills really depend on where the iron shows up, when I went south early the iron mines really showed up in great places. Can't remember the name, but its past the tannery, then between the paper mill and petro plant. Very lucrative part of the map.

Thanks for all your comments, and pointing out my screw-up in the map. I'll work on getting them fixed as soon as I can. I appreciate everyone's patience.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

nedfumpkin wrote:I also went for the port at Raht in a previous game, and surprisingly, there is a nice flat route through the mountains to it....just takes a while to lay your track but you can keep all the grade at 3 or less, and almost all at 2 or less.
I guess you took a different route than I did. ^**lylgh
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

Hawk...that's basically the route, but my bridge was in a different spot and my strack was a lot snakier. :)

Also, the running the track out behind a station instead of a spur is something I only do when its a terminus.

As an aside, I found that even when not required for a speed goal, the spur method helps keep trains organized by reducing congestion and running efficiently.
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Re: Persian Electric Unread post

Being I noticed this mentioned, I had a train get stuck in a really weird place in one of the Germany maps. I forget which one, but you have to at some point connect to Prague. I had electric track setup from Berlin to Hamburg and also to Horsens. Yet at some point, when I went to check on city progress around Prague I had an electric on non electrified track going back and forth as though it had forgotten its route. It had a load of cars, but would not go to any station, just kept going to where the track at Prague dead ended, turn around and then back. When I clicked the arrow on the station in its route I wanted it to go to, it followed the track all the way back to where it was supposed to be.

On these kinds of maps, especially this one, I have not connected Berlin to Prague since. Though, that I recall, I have not run into this on any other map.
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